The end of the borders




The end of the borders

edited by Beatrice Nicolini

Pubblicato da Quaderni Asiatici
(Centro Cultura Italia Asia)

ISBN 978-88-906949-8-1




This book hosts studies on the end of the borders that are crossing from north to south an imaginary journey from the lands of South Central Asia to the shores of the Persian/Arab Gulf, then touching thank to the monsoon the Horn of Africa, and analyzing the Piracy issue in order to reach the question of the water struggle along the Nile.


Beatrice Nicolini


Beatrice Nicolini

The Baloch in the Persian/Arab Gulf Region

Vittoria Gemelli

Inside political borders in the Horn of Africa: Statehood bubbles

Martino Sacchi

Piracy as a transnational threat in the Horn of Africa

Paolo Furno Marchese

Who owns the Nile?


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